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There Are Many Tyes of Annuities Click Below to Get a Quote!

Click a link below to get a personlized quote on the specific annuity that fits your needs.

Fixed Index Annuity Quotes (FIA)

FIA’s have 100% principal protection, the gains are permanently locked in, gains grow tax deferred, they have penalty free withdrawl options, can be converted into a SPIA for lifetime income, potential to out perform CD’s and MYGAs (not the market), guranteed minimum. 

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Income Later annuity quotes

Simple design, tax preferable income stream in a non-IRA account, can be a joint payment with spouse, customize for lifetime income, period certain or both. 100% principal protection, COLA or CPI-U increase to the income stream can be added to the policy at time of application.

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QLAC (Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract)

$130,000 or 25% of your IRA’s, whichever is less. Lessen RMD total and potentially lessen taxes, defer as long as age 85, principal protected, lifetime income (never outlive your money), spousal and non-spousal benefits, no annual fee’s. 

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Income Now annuity quote (SPIA)

The SPIA or Single Premium Immidiate Annuity has been around since the Roman Empire.  It was designed to give solders a lifetime income. Easy to understand, transparent, and deliver a lifetime income.

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Multi-year guaranteed annuity (myga)

Contractually guaranteed annual intrest rates, no annual fees, rates are typically higher than CDs, intrest compunds tax deferred in a non-IRA account, easy to understand, no moving parts. just plain simple!

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